It’s crazy

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Do you see yourself saying omg around a certain male friend a lot? Do you feel a gust of fresh air when you’re around that certain person? Do they have yet idly feminine traits and are probably hiding something from their childhood? — bingo ! It’s me, we’re common and we as I’d like to call it are avatars (think x-men mutants and me as a young Charley)

It’s all connected, the gods and religion and social currency to shows, movies, and Bollywood shollywood are all mirror reflections of society today and combine that with literature of the ancient times that create society as we know it. Ideas like determinism and karma x fate are already connected and pre solved for us, we just have to look closer 😎🧐.

The shiv lingam along with the white cult following of shiv and shakti principles in yoga and tantra especially.

Avatars are the “incarnations”, “2nd-few millionth comings”, “prophets” (not entirely sure if this is the correct verbiage), or the so-called beings that we humbly call gods. They can be seen today as good and evil throughout the highest and lowest rungs of society. They can have powers of understanding women, relative mind control, physical manifestations also, in fact arguably, an aura that exudes.

Seen as trash, they can be pretty brash.

Treated like kings cause they have an ego of one. Oh and can become one.

They have likely gone through similar childhood ptsd-related trauma and seem to have a common understanding and conception of one another when seeing each other so strong that it helps them remember who they are cause so often they forget. It is them who causes men and women of the workforce to say things like oh my god un ironically and even more historical then subsequently ironically when these avatars are around in an attempt to condition them, yes conditioned.. like dogs :/. From their image is today’s society made, however they can range from good to evil, of course dependent on circumstance.

Then comes the idea of nature vs nurture which my science teacher assured was basically half and half. However for for those of us , whom are consistently and wrongly prescribed to various drugs and conditions it’s not as simple. Shows it is true that we are different but how? Not sure ; we have this malfunction